3.5 stars, last update: 2021-12-23
not a free application, I just used the time-limited demo.
large collection of pens, probably good for artists (I’m not one, so I can’t say for sure), but overloading for my purpose.
the handling of tools are confusing, at least I was confused. You use the selection tool to select a shape, then chose modify, and you have to select it again?
the grid control is with the layers one. You have the choice between two grids: a square (standard) one, an an hexagonal one (isometric). I couldn’t change the step of the grid.
the curve tool is relatively good and less confusing than others I’ve tried on a tablet. A first click show a dot and two buttons (to commit and to close the loop). I wasn’t confused by it as I have been in other tools, but it’s either not Bésier curves or it doesn’t allow to modify the control point, just select (at creation, I couldn’t at edition) one of several algorithm to compute them.
symmetry tools are interesting as well. Axis, rotational, several axis.
perspective tools allow to constraint the drawing to be lines (or curves) on restricted directions suitable for perspective. The control of those direction is at best confusing, at worse buggy (at least for the spheric one)
no symbols, no connectors.
Summary: it’s clearly an application for artists, not the kind I’m looking for. And sadly it seems either buggy or its use model confuse me a lot.